The Breville BJE200XL Juice Fountain is the perfect machine for beginning juicers who are interested in trying out juicing, but are not sure if they will like it and don’t want to spend a lot of money to find out. This compact centrifugal model delivers a lot of “punch” for the price. Built with quality materials seen in all Breville juicers, along with its 3 inch feed tube, this machine can quickly and efficiently make the entire juicing experience a breeze.
The powerful motor operates at 14000RPM and makes quick work of a wide variety of hard and soft fruits and vegetables. The extra wide feed chute means larger produce can be added without the need to cut them up into smaller pieces. Add that to the fast clean up time, and daily juicing does not seem like a daily chore but rather a worthwhile and speedy endeavor to improve your health.
3-inch Feed Tube – Drop large produce down the chute without having to cut them into smaller chunks. Eliminates most if not all prep time to help speed up the juicing process.
High-Grade Materials: Cutting blade is reinforced with Titanium with a stainless steel mesh filter. Built for quality and durability.
Compact – Designed to take up a smaller footprint on counter tops.
Performance: Despite being smaller in size than the other Breville models, this unit is quick and fast. It handles all types of produce with ease, such as carrots, apples, celery and leafy greens.
Value: This is where this unit seems to resonate with buyers. It is priced as an entry level juicer, usually around the $99 price range, but despite being relatively inexpensive, as far as juicers are concerned, it is not “cheap”. This is a quality unit that is fast and simple to use and produces a nice amount of juice. Owners rave about how the BJE200XL has met and/or exceeded their expectations based on the price they ended up paying.
Clean Up: This is always an important aspect for buyers, and owners really appreciate how simple this model is to clean. Disassembling the unit, cleaning and reassembling just takes a few minutes. The reviews of the cleaning process are very favorable.
Wet Pulp: Fast spinning centrifugal juicers usually do not produce as dry of a pulp as masticating juicers. Wet pulp means that not all of the liquid has been extracted and juiced fully and still remains in the extracted pulp.
Leafy Green Performance: Some owners were not happy with how this juicer handled leafy green vegetables. They found larger pieces in the pulp collection bin that did not seem to get juiced and they wished they could have gotten more juice out of their cabbage, kale and lettuce.
Splashing: Some owners found that when they dropped in certain soft fruits into their fast spinning machine that there would be an occasional splashing of juice out of the top of the food chute.
This unit provides a lot of bang for the buck, is simple to use and clean and it is a great first step on your journey to a healthier diet.
The powerful motor operates at 14000RPM and makes quick work of a wide variety of hard and soft fruits and vegetables. The extra wide feed chute means larger produce can be added without the need to cut them up into smaller pieces. Add that to the fast clean up time, and daily juicing does not seem like a daily chore but rather a worthwhile and speedy endeavor to improve your health.
Product Features
700W Motor – Works at 14000RPM to tackle a wide array of fruits and vegetables. Produce juice in just seconds.3-inch Feed Tube – Drop large produce down the chute without having to cut them into smaller chunks. Eliminates most if not all prep time to help speed up the juicing process.
High-Grade Materials: Cutting blade is reinforced with Titanium with a stainless steel mesh filter. Built for quality and durability.
Compact – Designed to take up a smaller footprint on counter tops.
What Do Owners Say About The Breville BJE200XL?
The Good:
Across the board, owners consistently rate this juicer among the best. Below are what a majority of owners rave about;
Value: This is where this unit seems to resonate with buyers. It is priced as an entry level juicer, usually around the $99 price range, but despite being relatively inexpensive, as far as juicers are concerned, it is not “cheap”. This is a quality unit that is fast and simple to use and produces a nice amount of juice. Owners rave about how the BJE200XL has met and/or exceeded their expectations based on the price they ended up paying.
Clean Up: This is always an important aspect for buyers, and owners really appreciate how simple this model is to clean. Disassembling the unit, cleaning and reassembling just takes a few minutes. The reviews of the cleaning process are very favorable.
What Could Be Better:
No one machine is perfect for everyone, and some owners have expressed their disappointment in the following areas;Wet Pulp: Fast spinning centrifugal juicers usually do not produce as dry of a pulp as masticating juicers. Wet pulp means that not all of the liquid has been extracted and juiced fully and still remains in the extracted pulp.
Leafy Green Performance: Some owners were not happy with how this juicer handled leafy green vegetables. They found larger pieces in the pulp collection bin that did not seem to get juiced and they wished they could have gotten more juice out of their cabbage, kale and lettuce.
Splashing: Some owners found that when they dropped in certain soft fruits into their fast spinning machine that there would be an occasional splashing of juice out of the top of the food chute.
If you are curious about juicing, want to make a healthier change to your diet but are on a budget, or just want to try juicing without a bigger than necessary investment, then the Breville BJE200XL Juice Fountain Compact might be what you are looking for. It is a best seller that has proven to be a favorite amongst owners.This unit provides a lot of bang for the buck, is simple to use and clean and it is a great first step on your journey to a healthier diet.
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